Safeguarding Trustee
Role Description
The voluntary role of the Trustee with oversight of safeguarding is critical to ensuring that the Board are provided with appropriate governance oversight in the fundamental aspect school operations. Whilst all Trustees carry responsibility for safeguarding, the Safeguarding Trustee lead plays a pivotal role in providing expert support and challenge to the safeguarding teams across the Trust’s schools.
The Safeguarding Trustee is responsible for overseeing and ensuring the effective implementation of safeguarding policies and procedures within the Trust. The role requires a commitment to protecting the welfare of all beneficiaries, volunteers, and staff, ensuring that the organisation meets its legal and moral obligations to safeguard children and young people.
Responsibilities of Trustees include:
- Being jointly and severally responsible for governance and strategic direction of the Trust;
- Contributing to the effective working of the Board, ensuring it fulfils its obligations in helping to formulate and regularly review the strategic aims and objectives of the Trust;
- Safeguarding the assets of the Trust;
- Ensuring that there is a robust business plan in place and that the financial affairs of the Trust are properly run and maintained;
- Working with fellow Trustees to ensure that the organisation functions within the legal and financial requirements of a charitable organisation and strives to achieve best practice;
- Developing a constructive and supportive relationship with the Schools through regular communication and meetings, providing support, advice and challenge as appropriate in a non-executive capacity;
- Acting as an ambassador for the Trust and supporting the Executive in representing the Trust to key stakeholders when required.
All Trustees should also be aware of, and understand, their individual and collective responsibilities, and should not be overly reliant on one or more individual Trustees in any particular aspect of the governance of the Trust.
Person Specification
Personal Attributes:
- Possess integrity, objectivity, accountability, and honesty
- Ability to inspire confidence and trust and to listen actively
- Ability to be effective as part of a team, contributing independent judgement and perspective
- Commitment to strategic support of the Trust and the Schools as they build vibrant communities, cultivate creativity, foster integrity, and transform lives
Experience and Knowledge of the following would be desirable:
- A thorough understanding of good governance
- A passion for and understanding of education, and the place that schools hold as the bedrock upon which young people build their resilience, explore their potential and achieve their success
- Expert knowledge on safeguarding legislation and guidance, including the responsibilities of schools and other agencies
- Experience of managing safeguarding in a school or other relevant organisation
- Awareness of local and national agencies that provide support for children and their families